Originally from Montreal, and from an early childhood coming from a home immersed in art and music, Rhona Konrad began painting small geometric abstractions which continue to influence her in her current abstractions.

Her father, a professional artist and gallery owner, provided her with advice as she progressed to winning at local festivals and showcasing her work in his art shop.

Music was her other great love. Rhona started playing piano at the age of two and studying with her mother but several years later she won a scholarship at a prestigious conservatoire, studying piano under one of the greatest teachers.

This combination of art and music continues to inspire her.

She continues to explore a variety of themes, from her “Heart” series to her geometric abstractions. What inspires her continuously is the desire to express herself through her artwork.

During her years exploring art and painting, she was a businessperson, working as a fashion buyer, travelling throughout the world. Fashon has always been a source of inspiration through colour and pattern.

Every work must have a cohesive aesthetic in colour and design. The sensory and soulful experience is most important in the creative process. She considers herself a modernist, with a utopian vision of life and societal norms and a belief in progress through her art and dreams.

“I dream constantly about my vision of the utopian life I would love to live and this vision when it appears in art makes me the happiest”

Rhona Konrad
